Home Community Community Renewable Energy Project – Community Meeting

Community Renewable Energy Project – Community Meeting

7:30 pm 5 June 2024
9:00 pm 5 June 2024

Freshford Memorial Hall

Wednesday Jun 5th at 7.30pm

BWCE (Bath and West Community Energy) are running a Renewable Energy project, which is supported by the Freshford, Limpley Stoke and Hinton Charterhouse Parish Councils.

The main objective is to be able to create a community owned renewable energy project to generate clean energy covering the needs of the local community.

This type of community owned project creates community benefits from any surplus for reinvestment locally and we also hope to be able to provide electricity from the project for local residents through a local supply scheme.

A scoping study was undertaken and funding is now in place to undertake the next step – the Feasibility Study which will provide the design and the business case which may lead to a planning application.

A key element underpinning all activities is community engagement and community consultation.

Please do come along to the Freshford Memorial Hall to find out more about this project and the resulting various community benefits which is the aim of the project.

A separate meeting is being planned to be held in Hinton Charterhouse as there has been previous presentations by BWCE to Freshford and Limpley Stoke and parking at the Memorial Hall is limited.

23 May 2024
Last Updated
28 May 2024
Published in