Home Local History Society History Society – AGM and Alan Dodge Lecture – Sir George Colenrooke MP 1729 -1809 (Stuart Boydell)

History Society – AGM and Alan Dodge Lecture – Sir George Colenrooke MP 1729 -1809 (Stuart Boydell)

7:30 pm 22 May 2024
9:00 pm 22 May 2024

Sir Geroge Colebrooke who was an MP, two-times Chairman of the East India Company, which he virtually brought to its knees financially, and effectively lit the fuse that led to the Boston Tea Party and the American Revolution. He was a retiree to Bath living for a while in Batheaston and Marlborough Buildings. He is now buried in Batheaston, precise whereabouts unknown.

Sir George played a small but significant role in Bath’s social elite in the late 1700s and early 1800s. He was connected with Hester Thrale, Samuel Johnson (who hated him) and William Herschel.

Very little is written about him, but Stuart Boydell has done a lot of primary research and put together a chapter about him for the Bath Journal of History (Bath Spa) a few years ago.

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6 May 2024
Last Updated
6 May 2024
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