A Nature Chain talk by Robert Kelsh
Thursday 14th March 2023 – 7pm
Limpley Stoke Village Hall
Although many of us are familiar with the common British butterflies, it is often a surprise to discover quite how diverse is the range of British moth species. Excitingly, their diversity even within villages such as Freshford and Limpley Stoke ensures that regular recording using a moth trap gives lots of interest, throughout the year.
Having moved to Freshford last summer, and with the help of some new friends with superb gardens, Robert Kelsh has begun to explore the local moth fauna. He will explain how he records them, and give a flavour of what he has discovered so far.
Parking at the old Rose and Crown car park – at the end of Middle Stoke where it meets the A36.
Entrance free (donations to Nature Chain welcome). If you feel able to register on EVENTBRITE it would help us know the numbers to expect.
For more information and to learn about Nature Chain, please visit the Nature Chain website.