Home Parish Council Planning Planning Consultations

Planning Consultations

Local Plan Partial Update

BANES ran a consultation on proposals for a Local Plan Partial Update from April to June 2020. Following on from the feedback this generated, BANES the undertook an Options Consultation between 7 January to 18 February 2021.

The Parish Council provided the following response:

This moved forwards with BANES producing three Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs):

The Parish Council responded to the Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Construction SPD. The Transport and Houses in Multiple Occupation SPDs are not particularly relevant to Freshford.

The Local Plan proposed amendments includes:

  • All new large housing developments to be net zero carbon
  • Homes designed to deal with future climate change overheating risk
  • Non-residential, commercial buildings to minimise energy use and maximise use of renewable energy
  • Minimise the (embodied energy) carbon emissions of buildings during construction
  • Encourage local renewable energy production, including wind turbines and solar farms, along with local battery storage
  • Encourage the retrofitting of existing buildings to higher energy performance standards, particularly private rented and HMOs

The Parish Council response to both the Energy Efficiency SPD and the Local Plan Partial Update are:

24 October 2021
Last Updated
24 October 2021